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浩然正气 造化古今—黄建南老师作品欣赏



浩然正气 造化古今—黄建南老师作品欣赏
Seas of Rightness to Contribute the people Permanently
----After Enjoying Mr. Huang’s oil painting, Liuchang


 Jian nan, Huang is a professional oil painter who is active in the painting field of China. Currently, quite different from most painters, his arts are original and natural. He expresses his feelings and thoughts through his paintings which haven’t been effected by other’s forms of paintings. Together with his oil paintings, which shows the unique understanding of art of life. Besides, this method is perfectly united the color, clairvoyance techniques of Western oil painting with Chinese traditional culture. Although he uses the form of Western paintings, from the deep inside, we can see that he’s exploring the spirit of Chinese traditional paintings. Owing to the virtue of forgetting himself to reach the state of melting things and people in order to present the phenomena beyond the paintings. He successfully combines the two art elements both of Eastern and Western, to pop out the Eastern character of the property of poem.

For pursuing fluently expression of sightseeing and imagism. Like vivid Chinese Traditional paintings of landscape. Taking Morning Melody, Dying, Glories paintings for examples, which show the methods of expressing the nature through its spirits. Using the space and universe, two elements, along with air, sunshine, which own either simplicity, spectacular of the form of poem, or wildness handsome of the words of poems. So that to adjust perfectly tunes of the whole painting. The union of dynamic and static of nature, and the union of color and light, by the means of all kinds of expressive techniques. So they form the unique spirit of Huang’s arts. Artists won’t easily copy the nature, while they express the true feelings of Huang, the exceptional. And see the merely changes between color and glory of the oil paintings, the construction and consisting of paintings elements, especially the spirit of paintings, which offers us a kind of freshness. As Three Methods of Learning of WangGuowei (a poet of Song Dynasty of China) goes, the green trees faded away by the West wind last night, I climbed up the high tower lonely and saw the roads as far as possible; I didn’t regret forgetting to take off the clothes, for the beauty who I was lovesick with and even broken down; I search for her among millions of people time and time again, 


but in a sudden glance, she is just in the near gloomy light. This kind of methods appeared successfully in various of works, such as The Queen of Shu Mountain, The Sun Begins to Rise, The Silver Suit for Five Beauties in Mountain. Mr. Huang put these elements in harmony, so that he’s created many works of the property of poem. Apparently from his oil paintings, as if he expresses his feelings and imitates the nature, but in fact, he uses the songs to express his feelings, and scenery to express his ideals, which is the contradiction and union of materialistic and dialectic. And along with the spirit of Chinese traditional poems, songs and phraseology, they impact one another to fully exhibit the spirit of each painting. His way of painting is best answer to explain the theory of art, go back to the nature and embody himself. Owing to this, Jian nan,Huang’s works are graceful and favor is waving.

  All in all, Huang’s oil paintings make people realized what Ban Qiao, zheng (a Chinese traditional painter, in Qing Dynasty) said, expression in the painting is so ambiguous that only soul left without the outline.






      早在1981年,黄建南作品参加西德世界家庭艺术博览会,得到了当时国内外艺术爱好者的高度重视。八十年代作品大部分被外国友人收藏及被香港商人购走。近十年,其油画、国画作品多次被国家领导人作为国礼馈赠国际友人,并分别被人民大会堂、 中南海国礼中心、中央军委办公厅、三军仪仗队等收藏并颁发收藏证书。多幅油画作品被泰国皇室及诗林通公主收藏。相当一部分作品被中外政要和一百多家艺术机构及院馆收藏。








今日, 袁运甫画展在中国国家博物馆亮相,其中展出袁运甫先生在以壁画为主的公共艺术领域做出的成就,让观众了解到人民大会堂、毛主席纪念馆、首都机场等重要建筑的公共艺术