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China-made light rail running smoothly in Nigeria

The first electrified light rail in Lagos, Nigeria, made by Chinese companies is the centerpiece of a modern traffic network that offers convenient commuting for local people. It links Victoria Island with Lagos Island.

The railway is 28 kilometers long and is designed for speeds up to 100 km per hour. There are 11 stations.

The first phase of the railway — 13 km and five stations — was put into service in January. It was also the first sea-crossing railway in Africa. It eases traffic jams and lowers commuting costs.

There are 54 trips scheduled on the light rail daily.






今日, 袁运甫画展在中国国家博物馆亮相,其中展出袁运甫先生在以壁画为主的公共艺术领域做出的成就,让观众了解到人民大会堂、毛主席纪念馆、首都机场等重要建筑的公共艺术